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Child and Family Services Agency

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The Go-To Place for CFSA Training Schedules & Updates Using the New Training Portal


Foster Parents: Click here to access the Development and Equity Administration Website where individuals can register any time, day or night.


CFSA Staff: CISA Training is your one-stop resource for all your and STAAND training needs. We also offer One Drive for Business and Skype for Business training classes. When you visit here, you will find the latest available FACES comprehensive training opportunities for CFSA and private agency staff to maintain effective documentation of clinical information in the District’s Comprehensive Child Welfare Information System (CCWIS).

To get started:

  1. Review course descriptions to get details for each course.
  2. Review FACES.NET and STAAND training calendar to find what’s available pertaining to other exciting features like access to your training transcript.
  3. Select appropriate training with approval from your supervisor.
  4. To enroll, go to the new Training Portal @ or contact the HelpDesk at (202) 434-0009 for assistance.


Training classes are located at CFSA 200 I St., SE unless otherwise specified.


CISA Training Descriptions


FACES.NET Hotline and Investigations

This two-day course designed for both Hotline and Investigation Workers. Students will learn how to document information related to intake and investigations on the Hotline Screen, Client related screens, Allegations, Collaterals, Contacts, Risk Assessment, Danger and Safety Assessment, Placement Matching, Red Team, Assessment Findings, Complaint Form, Case Connect, and Investigation Closure to name a few.


FACES.NET Management Reports/Tableau Data Visualization System/Permanency Tracker Dashboards

This half-day training designed for both CFSA and Private Agency Supervisors and Managers (occasionally social workers). Students will become proficient with accessing, analyzing and interpreting data reports and dashboards via FACES and Tableau. Students will also review Permanency Tracker. Must have current FACES access to attend.


FACES.NET Overview

This one-day basic case management training course will instruct users on how to search for Clients and Cases, enter and/or review Contact Notes, Relationships, Demographics, Education, Health, and Court information on the Case module.


FACES.NET Clinical Case Management

This three-day day course designed for new CFSA In-Home/Permanency workers, Private Agency Social Workers and Supervisors. Students will learn how to document information related to ongoing case management such as entering contacts, collaterals, court reports, client related screens, placement matching, Red Team, Risk and Risk Re-assessments, Danger and Safety Assessments, Caregivers Strength and Barriers assessments, Service Plans and Case Plans, Case Closure, etc.


FACES.NET Provider

This one-day course designed for CFSA and Private Agency workers. Students will learn how to Search for Providers, enter new Providers (placement and service), add Household Members, document Specific Child information, complete Home Study, add Kinship Foster Parents, complete Provider Questionnaire, complete provider Checklist, enter Licensing and make home Available for placement.


FACES.NET Placement Provider Web (PPW)

This half-day course designed for Private Placement Contracted Agencies invoicing CFSA for placements in their licensed facilities via the Placement Provider Web module. Students will be instructed on how to Enter and Exit Placements, reconcile Placement Discrepancies, manage and submit invoices through the Monthly Placement Utilization Report (MPUR).



Workday is an opportunity for workers to work independently in a quiet environment in an effort to complete case management tasks within their own cases as well as have an opportunity to receive assistance with FACES questions if needed from a FACES Trainer.



CFSA Community Portal (Collaborative Services)


This two-hour course is designed for Collaborative staff members. Students will briefly recap the Federal Family First Prevention Services Act of 2018; guide end-users through accessing referrals and Prevention Plans submitted by CFSA and Private Agency Social Workers; how to acknowledge receipt of referral, make staff assignments to clients/families, and acknowledge services rendered through the CFSA Portal application system.



One Drive You Will learn One Drive Basics which include: CFSA Staff Only


How to access One Drive online

How to save Documents to One Drive

How to Share Documents

One Drive Best Practices/Limitations



CISA Training Calendars

Attached below. 

