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Child and Family Services Agency

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Relaxed Edits on Petition and Letter of Intent to Adopt

Friday, March 14, 2008

When a Foster Parent signs a letter of intent to adopt, or if a petition for adoption is filed, that information is recorded in FACES.NET. Previously, only Supervisory Social Workers and above had security to update these dates in the system. These restrictions have been relaxed so that Social Workers can now enter these dates.

Furthermore, if the placement unit entry date is present, then workers can enter this information without having previously mandatory fields filled out (Ie: Social Worker Entry Date, Entry Time, Placement Mandates, Social Worker Entered Service and Start Date, and ICPC Requests). This tip sheet instructs users how to navigate to the Placement Entry screen to enter the Foster Parent Signed Letter of Intent to Adopt date and/or the Petition for Adoption Filed date.