This LaShawn A. v. Bowser Exit and Sustainability Plan includes: Outcomes to be Maintained, a listing of Exit Standards from the 2010 Implementation and Exit Plan that the District’s performance met and maintained (Section I); Outcomes to be Achieved (Section II); SelfRegulation and Public Reporting Commitments (Section III); Placement Array Commitments (Section IV); and Sustainability and Exit (Section V). Citations from Federal law, District of Columbia law and regulations, the Modified Final Order (MFO), and CFSA policy are included. This plan supersedes and replaces the LaShawn A. v. Fenty Implementation and Exit Plan (IEP) dated December 17, 2010.
The Court Monitor shall continue to prepare and submit to the Court bi-annual performance reports setting forth 1) compliance with the “Outcomes to be Achieved” Exit Standards; and 2) Defendants’ progress in carrying out the associated action steps set forth in the Placement Array Commitments and Self-Regulation and Public Reporting Commitments sections.
At the end of the first quarter of the calendar year, the Parties will convene a meeting to engage in good faith discussions to reassess the remaining Exit Standards and plans to exit the LaShawn A. lawsuit.